Tuesday, July 31, 2007


To remember a wonderful holiday...

What a Family...

The Simpsons is a highly successful long-running animated American sitcom created by Matt Groening for the Fox Broadcasting Company. It is a satirical parody of the "Middle American" lifestyle epitomized by its title family, which consists of Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa and Maggie, their dog Santa's Little Helper and their cat Snowball II. The show is set in the fictional town of Springfield, and lampoons many aspects of the human condition, as well as American culture, society as a whole, and television itself.

Visit the Official Movie Site and have some fun.

Friday, July 27, 2007


Because it has got the colour of the sea...

The colour of the sky...

and I like the blue!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Books V...

I've just finished reading a wonderful book.
It's about East Timor and the abusive occupation of the island by Indonesia when the Portuguese left in 1975.The plot happens between that date and 1999 when the referendum finally gives the native people the right to self-determination and the country's independence.
The story is told by Paulino da Conceição, a character that is a live witness to all the massacres, violence and usurpation of the most elementar human rights, under the domination of the Indonesian government.
The book is a most faithful documentary of the events and the political efforts made by the portuguese governments to attract the international attention to the problem in East Timor.
The book is recommended as an historical document, as well as a novel. The story of Paulino and his family's tragedy reveals the real tragedy of hundreds of families, whose only wish was to be free.
Ilha das Trevas is another great book (novel) written by José Rodrigues dos Santos.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Berardo's Collection...

Centro Cultural de Belém and the Berardo Collection Museum, were my destination this afternoon. The heat and the sun were left outside. Within the museum walls there's time to dedicate to the contemplation of the vast collection of paintings, sculptures, photographs and video. Some famous and less known artists deserve a careful study of their techniques and talent.
I left the museum with the idea that it is worth another visit.
The Berardo Collection Museum offers a true panorama, as well as a means of exploring visual artistic creation from the early 20th century to the beginning of the 21st century, especially from Europe and North America. The works represented in the collection impart a richness of history, style, origins and materials. The collection includes works from Abstraction, Figuration, Surrealism, Pop Art, Hyperrealism, Minimalism, Conceptual Art, Sculpture, Installation, contemporary Photography and Video. It also constitutes a transversal view of art, whereby works represent different sensitive viewpoints and influences. Visiting this museum is also a journey through modern and contemporary Portuguese Art, emphasizing its originality and inernational character.
This selection represents the portrait and perspective of a collector, José Berardo, born in 1944, whose selection led him to keep critical works that are part of the world's artistic heritage.
The Berardo Collection Museum is managed by a Foundation created by the Portuguese Government, Centro Cultural de Belém and by the Berardo family.

Friday, July 20, 2007

The Sound Of Music...

Today, I went to the theatre, Politeama, in Lisbon to watch " The Sound of Music" by La Féria.
It is a magnificent production of the original film, that is starred by Anabela who once again proves her talent in a wonderful, powerful interpertation. The children give the musical a fresh, innocent touch.
Indeed, a play to be seen and to take your kids.

The action takes place in the town of Salzburg in Austria, just prior to World War II.
Maria, a woman studying for the
Roman Catholic sisterhood in an abbey who has begun to doubt her calling, is sent out to be a governess to the seven children of Captain Georg Ritter von Trapp, a widower and a decorated World War I captain in the Austro-Hungarian Navy. Von Trapp is an Austrian patriot at a time when it would be safer to be friendly to the ascendant Nazi regime. The Captain is raising his children in a strict and militaristic manner, with which Maria immediately disagrees. The children, initially hostile and mischievous, soon come to like the courageous Maria ("My Favorite Things"), as she works to loosen the Captain's strict policies and brings warmth, including the joy of singing, back into their household ("Do-Re-Mi"). She finds herself falling in love with the stern Captain but tries to suppress her feelings, as he is engaged to be married to Baroness Elsa Schräder. He too finds himself warming to the unconventional governess. Meanwhile, the eldest girl, Liesl, and a messenger, Rolfe, are attracted to each other and meet secretly ("Sixteen Going On Seventeen").
The Baroness fosters some misunderstandings, and Maria returns to the abbey, but the children implore her to return. After some soul searching, Maria leaves the abbey and marries the Captain. Soon the Captain is called to duty in the Kriegsmarine of the Third Reich, but Maria and the Captain arrange for the family to leave the country. Following a family concert including the Captain's rendition of "
Edelweiss", they sing their final song, "So Long, Farewell", as they escape through the convent and travel over the mountains to Switzerland.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007


This was the last day of national exams.

Finally, we'll be thinking of well-earned holidays. The same goes for all the students who have dedicated the past weeks studying, hiding from their friends, from the sun and fun.
It's time to wish all of them the best results and nice holidays!For many it's time to start a new stage, either at work or at the university, for many others, we'll see you soon...
I hope that Summer becomes a "real" Summer, with the sun shinning, hot Summer nights, good for walks and talks outdoors...
Lets have fun!

Monday, July 16, 2007

My Wonders...

Monuments have been elected as the new wonders in the world. They are really magnificent places that are worth a visit.
However, our lives are made with small "wonders".
Sofia and Patrícia have asked me to write about my personal wonders. This is a difficult task, I don't know if I'll select seven wonders. Lets see...
My first wonder is, no doubt, my son, Francisco. He gave my life a totally new meaning. Motherhood changed me, everytime I look at him I think what a wonderful boy he is!
My second wonder is the family I built with my husband, Inácio. Together we try to complete each other, there is cumplicity, love and friendship!
My third wonder are my parents. Luckily, both are still alive. They gave me everything I've got. I grew up in a large family of six sisters, where I was taught to respect others, I was taught the importance of being earnest, I was taught the importance of work and education. I am what my parents were able to teach me. I thank them, for now I know how difficult it is to be a parent and to educate a child for the future!
My fourth wonder are my sisters. We are seven sisters( I've got a twin) and we are very close to each other. Together we make up what is not any more common, "a noisy family"!
My fifth wonder is my home. My home is where I like to be, where I feel safe from the outside world!
My sixth wonder is my love for reading. Reading offers me the possibility to travel through time and space. Books are a treasure in my life!
My seventh wonder is my ability to teach. I love teaching, I love the contact with the students. Students are part of my life just like I am part of theirs, at least for some time!

Sunday, July 08, 2007

A Great Show...

Portugal has been chosen to be the stage of the official declaration of the Seven Wonders of the World.
Estádio da Luz, in Lisbon, has welcomed the representatives of the event and broadcasted a wonderful shown to the world.
A great shown that once again proves that the portuguese are able to organise international events.
Congratulations to all...and I wish I'll visit the new wonders some time.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007


Live Earth is the name for a series of concerts of pop and rock music featuring various artists planned to take place on Saturday July 7, 2007 to promote action to confront the global warming crisis. The concerts have the intent of bringing together more than 150 of the world's most popular music acts and drawing a worldwide audience of 2 billion people, making it one of the largest global events in history. The organization for the event is a new global movement under the name Save Our Selves ( SOS )
In addition to raising awareness of global warming, on June 28, 2007, it was revealed that Live Earth is to be the launch event for the Live Earth Call to Action.
During the concerts people will be asked to support the following 7-point pledge:
To demand that my country join an international treaty within the next 2 years that cuts global warming pollution by 90% in developed countries and by more than half worldwide in time for the next generation to inherit a healthy earth;
To take personal action to help solve the climate crisis by reducing my own CO2 pollution as much as I can and offsetting the rest to become 'carbon neutral;'
To fight for a moratorium on the construction of any new generating facility that burns coal without the capacity to safely trap and store the CO2;
To work for a dramatic increase in the energy efficiency of my home, workplace, school, place of worship, and means of transportation;
To fight for laws and policies that expand the use of renewable energy sources and reduce dependence on oil and coal;
To plant new trees and to join with others in preserving and protecting forests; and,
To buy from businesses and support leaders who share my commitment to solving the climate crisis and building a sustainable, just, and prosperous world for the 21st century.

Sunday, July 01, 2007

The Prestige...

In the film The Prestige, Robert Angier (Hugh Jackman) and Alfred Borden (Christian Bale) are the magnificent characters.
Angier e Borden were assistants of an experient magician, until a tragic accident separates them and transforms them into rivals.
Both become magicians and spend most of their time criating new tricks and illusions, but above all, they try to destroy each others work. That small war in which both lose and that destroys their friendship, becomes an obssession to Angier when Borden criates his Great Trick, called" The Transported Man ”. The search for the perfect illusion and its success increases even more Angier's obssession to see his rival's destruction, making him follow a quest to have the machine that might help him to realise that dream.
The film is to be seen attentively as the director , Christopher Nolan, uses a lot the synopsis and the action is intrincate.
An amazing story, full of mystery.
I do recommend The Prestige as one of the best films to be seen this summer, in the confort of your sofa.