This is supposed to be some kind of challenge.
Cátia from Ticho suggested that I should try to make a list of some books I would recommend as good reading. My problem is to give you a small list, so the selection is not easy. I love reading. Readind has always been part of my life. Whenever I finish reading a book I need to start a new one. I let my imagination flow through the pages and words, I travel in time and space. History, fiction, romance...anything is possible. Books have that capacity.
So here are a few books I would recommend:
I 'll start with my latest acquisition, Ilha das Trevas, by José Rodrigo dos Santos and I haven't started it yet but I've read the others from the same author and I loved them.
At the moment I'm reading Rosa Brava by José Manuel Saraiva. This is an historical romance that tells the story of D. Leonor Teles. So far, I'm loving it.
I do believe that José Saramago is a talented writer. I particularly loved Ensaio Sobre a Cegueira although I liked most of his well known books. The first book I read from this author was O Evangelho Segundo Jesus Cristo. Then I decided to go on discovering his novels.
I must write about Isabel Allende and in this case I recommend all her books. Nevertheless I'll mention a few, Casa dos Espíritos, Paula ( about her daughter that died) , Filha da Fortuna, Retrato a Sépia. I've already written a post about another book Inés de Minha Alma.
Luís Sepúlveda is another Latin Americam writer that tells stories like no other, so please, try to read them all ( they are easy to read, kind of short stories ).
Gabriel Garcia Marquez is also a favourite author. I believe I also have got all his published books. I first read Cem Anos de Solidão a long and difficult book for its complex story and repetition of names. But don't discourage I think you should first read Amor Em Tempo de Cólera. His latest book Memórias das Minhas Putas Tristes is very interesting.
Laura Esquível that is able to write about food , smells, spices and its implications in people's lives. She has some amazing books such as Como Água Para Chocolate.
Ernest Hemingway was a master in writing. Just one because this would never end, The Sun Also Rises ( Fiesta ) that is about bullfighting and it takes place in Spain.
Just two more authors, not contemporary, but very good to read about society in another century.
Jane Austen's Sense and Sensibility and Emily Brontë's Jane Eyre.
I must confess that reading is my favourite hobby, when I'm reading I forget everything...
The idea now goes to:
Inácio Lemos ( my husband) from A Rosa;