Tuesday, September 25, 2007


Food is an important subject in our lives.
We need it to stay alive, to avoid malnutrition and disease.
In a century, in which we still watch the images of starving and dying kids in Third World countries, devastated by poverty, war and corruption, we look through "the other side of the fence" and see fat children eating large plates of fat food, walking towards disease and death in countries where wealth and abundance are dominant.
There's something wrong!
Maybe the rich kids should learn how to divide the surplus with the children of want.
Luckily, schools are becoming healthier places.
Students learn how to divide, add, subtract and multiply in the Maths classes, they learn foreign languages, they study chemistry and biology and they are now learning about the value of food.
They are learning that food can cause diabetes type II, obesity, heart conditions, teeth problems and so many other health problems. They learn that fat children are social outcasts.
Portuguese schools are now receiving recommendations about what food they are allowed to offer in school canteens. Many articles are being banished such as chocolates and sodas. Instead, canteens and cafeterias have "to teach" students how to become proficient and get good grades in a subject called " Food and Health".
I certainly support the introduction of new uses and encourage the change of attitude of a generation that is being spoiled by a consumist market and rich nations. If nothing changes, the future generations will surely change...they'll become "couch potatoes", sitting in large , comfortable sofas, playing computer games and eating pizza, hamburgers and lots of ice-cream to go with large cups of soda.


Blogger Cátia said...

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9:52 am  
Blogger Cátia said...

Ola Ofelia,

Ao ler este post, arrepiei-me, literalmente. Faz-me imensa impressão a pobreza extrema, a subnutrição que é vivida em muitos países, nomeadamente de África. Mas faz-me ainda mais impressão ver as desigualdades que existem entre esses países e outros, nomeadamente com os EUA, e ver que para além disso existe cobranças apertadas de divida externa...

Quantas vezes penso, quando "não me apetece" jantar ou quando "não me apetece" aquela comida mas outra, que quantos dariam tudo, ficariam agradecidos para terem aquele prato de comida?? Acho que deve começar em nós uma consciência de racionalização. É certo que não somos nós que poderemos matar a fome do mundo, mas podemos pelo menos não desperdiçar e consciencializar quem está à nossa volta. E aí acho que tu, e todos os teus colegas como professores e educadores terão um papel importante.

Que não nos tornemos "pessoas doentes" não só fisicamente mas de espírito. Obrigada por tocares neste assunto.

9:54 am  

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