Sunday, September 16, 2007


School's back! ...So many new things, so many changes and challenges.
School means study, learning and growing up with abilities and skills that enable young adults to face the complexities of our society. For many these are defined goals and they fight hard to reach them, however, there are so many kids for whom school is only a place where they are forced to go to by parents, by social laws and because there's nowhere else to go to. School is a community "inhabited" by different social groups, what allows children to train themselves to live in a larger community and where they must adapt to people from varied ethnic groups or nationalities.
Teachers are very important agents at school, not only because they have the duty to teach, but also because they, too, must learn to deal with so many different kids, coming from so many different social backgrounds.
Every new school year, teachers must face classes of new students, who look at them in expectation. They wish the teacher to be so many things...someone who has got knowledge, who is going to teach them new skills, who is not going to be boring but always funny and easy-going. They wish the teacher to become a friend, not a foe.
Being a teacher is probably one of the most difficult tasks in society, although many don't think so.
I love being a teacher in spite of all the criticisms, the lost reputation and the difficulties.
To all those involved in Education , I wish a "funny" school year.


Blogger Cátia said...

Ola Ofelia,

Que excelente post nos deixas hoje... Muitas vezes os alunos são forçados a ir a escola, pelos pais ou pela sociedade desprezando assim tudo o que la têm ou aprendem... No entanto, com o crescimento e perante terem contacto com outras realidades e outras coisas que não sao habituais, despertam muitas vezes o interesse tornando-se bons alunos. Claro que existem outros que se encontram motivados... E esses poderão tambem ser uma grande ajuda para os professores nessas situações.

Eu admiro muito a profissão de professor, principalmente em Portugal. São estes que formam a sociedade de amanha. E quando refiro "formam" não digo apenas em termos "ensino" das disciplinas, mas nos tempos modernos, são estes que acabam por formar em valores.

Espero que os alunos possam ver em cada professor um amigo, pois poderão assim tirar maior partido de tudo o que estes lhes pode proporcionar.

Desejo-te um optimo ano lectivo, cheio de força e energia para encontrares e encaminhares os teus novos amigos.
Beijinho grande

8:53 pm  
Blogger Patrícia said...

Just to wish a happy school year for everybody! :)


4:24 pm  

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