Greenpeace is an independent, campaigning organisation that uses non-violent, creative confrontation to expose global environmental problems, and force solutions for a green and peaceful future. Greenpeace's goal is to ensure the ability of the Earth to nurture life in all its diversity.
Greenpeace organises public campaignsfor:- The protection of oceans and ancient forests.- The phase out of fossil fuels and the promotion of renewable energy to stop climate change.- The elimination of toxic chemicals .- The prevention of genetically modified organisms being released into nature.- An end to the nuclear threat and nuclear contamination.- Safe and sustainable trade.
Greenpeace organises public campaignsfor:- The protection of oceans and ancient forests.- The phase out of fossil fuels and the promotion of renewable energy to stop climate change.- The elimination of toxic chemicals .- The prevention of genetically modified organisms being released into nature.- An end to the nuclear threat and nuclear contamination.- Safe and sustainable trade.
Cara Prof,
Gostaria de saber se me pode ajudar... Desisti no 12º ano e este ano gostaria de fazer o exame de inglês, mas não sei se será o exame com programa novo ou o antigo...
Suponho que deverá ter que fazer o programa novo,pelo que vi este ano parece ser muito mais acessível. O código é o 850.Veja na Internet que de certeza estão já publicados.
Tente em exames nacionais
Olá Linda
Fantástico o teu blog! Continua, parabéns
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