Thursday, November 27, 2008

To Read...

As my husband knows my passion for reading and because he knows I love José Rodrigues do Santos' books, he offered me the first edition of his latest book " A Vida num Sopro", with a love vow.
But I'm supposed to talk about the book.
I read the book, and as usual I felt I needed to read it as quickly as possible.
The story makes us go back in history, to the 30's, when Portugal lived under a fascist dictatorship. Salazar is in power and tries to govern Portugal with a very strong " hand" against anyone that made a slight attempt to go against his ideas. The political police is created (PVDE) to ensure order .
In this political atmosphere we meet a young student from the north of Portugal( Trás-os Montes) that falls in love for a beautiful girl who attends the same high school in Bragança.
Love puts them together but fate separates them.
They will have different lives until they meet again in Penafiel. However, they're not allowed to live their passion for each other.
Amélia is married to a military and Luís is about to marry Joana, who is her sister.
They are forced by circunstances to see each other but a tragic event puts them in danger...
Once again they are separated, Luís goes back to Trás -os- Montes, where he dedicates himself to his profession, veterinary.
In the meantime, we are told about the Spanish civil war.
I won't reveal the end of this magnificent book, but I must say that Amélia and Luís will once more fall prey of the political system that didn't care about human lives or feelings or justice...
" A Vida num Sopro" is a great book!!!


Blogger Cátia said...

Ola amiga,

Sinceramente ainda nao tinha lido nada do livro, so sabia que era nesta epoca... O meu primeiro pensamento foi "Rio das Flores"! Está quase a fazer um ano que li o Rio das Flores, que adorei, e agora achei que... talves houvesse alguma pequena "imitação", nao?

Beijinhos e obrigada pela recomendação

6:52 pm  

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