Saturday, May 24, 2008

For you...

I am writing this to congratulate all my former students, now in their last year at high school, for the excellent projects they have developed throughout the school year.
I know how much they have got involved, how many hours were spent so that a valuable work could be shown to the community. To you all I wish the best in life.
A new world, a new stage is about to begin in your lives.
Take advantage!!!
The future belongs to you!!

Note: I'm sorry for not being there but it was simply impossible.( students from 12ºD AND 12ºA)


Blogger Patrícia said...

Hello :)

Thank you for everything! You continue always with us, and it's very good. It makes me remember our old times..

Thanks for your presence in our presentation :D We were very happy to see you, teacher!

Thanks, thanks, thanks...


3:54 pm  
Blogger Cátia said...

Ola Amiga,

Que belo post nos deixas aqui, bonito significado! Alguns dos "teus meninos" estão a terminar mais esta fase da vida. O empenho foi grande certamente (e não só nos seus projectos), deve saber muito bem lerem estas palavras de carinho que aqui lhes deixas.

Para eles, deixo uma palavra de carinho e força para continuarem a caminhada, para ti deixo os parabens por seres esta pessoa tão proxima dos alunos e por te dares tanto. Continua!

Um beijo terno

10:33 am  

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